Diplomasi Budaya Anime Sebagai Upaya Penguatan Soft Power Jepang Periode 2014-2018


  • Alvine Dion Pratama
  • Anggun Puspitasari


anime, popular culture, public diplomacy, soft power, Japan


Soft Power is one of the important component that support nations in international relations. This study aims to analyze the attempts of Japanese government to strengthen it’s soft power through anime popular culture diplomacy. Throughout the Japan’s Lost Decades event, Japan has experienced a setback in terms of economy, role, and cultural influence at the international level, coupled with a rapid development of popular culture from East Asian countries. This event then encouraged the Japanese government to look for alternate ways in strengthening the country’s soft power. So from that Japan uses popular anime culture as an alternative way to strengthen Japan’s soft power after the event. In analyzing the case, the author use several concepts such as Public Diplomacy and Soft Power. This research is a qualitative research. The results of this study indicates that Japan had successfully in utilizing it’s abundant and unique cultural resources as a means to strengthen the country’s soft power in the 21st century after the crisis while at the same time balancing the development of popular culture in East Asian Countries, so that Japan once again have a large influence and role in international relations activities.


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How to Cite

Pratama, A. D., & Puspitasari, A. (2020). Diplomasi Budaya Anime Sebagai Upaya Penguatan Soft Power Jepang Periode 2014-2018. Balcony, 4(1), 11–23. Retrieved from https://jom.fisip.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/balcony/article/view/216




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