Strategi Bekraf terhadap Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif di Indonesia melalui Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership


  • Fony Safitri Vami
  • Denada Faraswacyen L. Gaol


creative economy, national interest, RCEP


In this study to discuss how Bekraf’s strategy in developing the creative economy in Indonesia through the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership which makes creative economics as a new national interest. This study aims to describe about Bekraf’s strategy towards developing the creative economy in Indonesia through the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative. The type of data used is primary and secondary with primary data collection techniques through interviews with diplomatic functional officials Directorate of ASEAN Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and analyst staff bilateral and regional cooperation, the Creative Economy Agency and library studies as secondary data. Every government institution has a strategic plan to develop the existing potential in Indonesia. Also with Bekraf who sought a variety of strategies in the cooperation of RCEP. RCEP itself is a new breakthrough in the world of free trade that includes 16 countries (ASEAN +6 FTA Partners) in the Asia and Pacific region. This RCEP agreement also discusses the creative economy which is included in the creative economy is very enthusiastic about this, which can make the Indonesian economy better. This study sees a correlation between the strategies made by Bekraf in the RCEP agreement which is in certain area because of the existence of an Indonesian national interest to be achieved.


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How to Cite

Vami, F. S., & Gaol, D. F. L. (2020). Strategi Bekraf terhadap Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif di Indonesia melalui Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. Balcony, 4(1), 93–102. Retrieved from




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