Strategi Qatar Melalui Penanaman Investasi Sepak Bola di Kawasan Eropa Sebagai Upaya Menangkis Isu Pendanaan Terorisme (2011-2021)


  • Wahyu Wimar Prasetyo
  • Andrea Abdul Rahman Azzqy


qatar, strategic, sportswashing, football investment, terrorism


This research aims to describe how Strategic Qatar through Football Investments in the European Region as an effort to fend off the issue of financing terrorism in 2011-2021. This study focuses on what steps Qatar has taken in Europe through soccer investment in forming a positive image related to the issue of financing terrorism from the Arabian Peninsula countries. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This study uses the perspective of constructivism, investment theory, and the concepts of sports washing and sport diplomacy from experts relevant to the phenomenon under study. The results of this study indicate that the issue of financing terrorism mentioned by the Arab peninsula countries to Qatar is not true and is only a form of political polarization between Saudi Arabia and Iran. In this regard, Qatar often has different political views with the countries of the Arabian Peninsula including Saudi Arabia and is more pro-Iran. In addition, Qatar's investment in football in Europe is used by Qatar to build a positive image in the international environment and to gain long-term benefits in the future.


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How to Cite

Prasetyo, W. W., & Azzqy, A. A. R. (2023). Strategi Qatar Melalui Penanaman Investasi Sepak Bola di Kawasan Eropa Sebagai Upaya Menangkis Isu Pendanaan Terorisme (2011-2021). Balcony, 7(2), 135–148. Retrieved from




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