Upaya Kerjasama Hongkong-Indonesia dalam Ekstradisi Kasus Mathias Echene Tahun 2019
cooperation, extradition, Indonesian policy, France, Hong KongAbstract
This research is entitled Hong Kong-Indonesia Cooperation Efforts in the Extradition of Mathias Echene in 2019 and discusses the analysis of cooperation between Hong Kong and Indonesia in granting the extradition of a French Citizen a.n. Mathias Hubert Marie Echene is based on the extradition agreement between the Government of Indonesia and Hong Kong. This research uses the concept of extradition where the research results show that the cooperation between Hong Kong - Indonesia regarding the extradition of Mathias Echene is based on several factors including strengthening the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Hong Kong and a commitment to eradicating transnational crimes. And using the theory of international cooperation, namely ties that are intertwined between countries and are free from aspects of violence or coercion and ratified by international law with the aim of giving freedom to establish their own country. The paradigm used in this research is the neorealism paradigm which is a type of realism theory.
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