Amerika Serikat dalam Normalisasi Hubungan Diplomatik dengan Kuba

Studi Kasus: Era Presiden Barack Obama 2014-2017


  • Karina Aisyah Setianingsih
  • Andrea Abdul Rahman Azzqy


foreign politics, national interest, rational choice, Cuba, United States


This study aims to analyze the rational choice of the United States in normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba. In analyzing it the author uses Rational Choice theory, National Interest theory, and the concept of Foreign Policy. This type of research is qualitative research. The results of this study show that in the normalization of diplomatic relations with Cuba, the United States does not merely perform the normalization but a rational choice which is the interests of the United States that must be achieved in normalizing its diplomatic relations with Cuba in the era of Barack Obama's administration. It can also create relations between the United States and Cuba towards the better.


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How to Cite

Setianingsih, K. A., & Azzqy, A. A. R. (2019). Amerika Serikat dalam Normalisasi Hubungan Diplomatik dengan Kuba: Studi Kasus: Era Presiden Barack Obama 2014-2017. Balcony, 3(1), 29–39. Retrieved from




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