Aktivitas Spionasi Republik Rakyat Tiongkok ke Amerika Serikat Terkait Proyek Militer Pesawat F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Pada Tahun 2014-2017


  • Muhamad Helmi Kaffah Nur Iman
  • Andrea Abdul Rahman Azzqy


cyber espionage, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, phishing, PRC, USA


This study aims to analyze the Chinese Spying Activities against the United States Related Military Projects F - 35 Joint Strike Fighter. In analyzing the case the author uses the concept of Action - Reaction Model and Information Warfare. This type of research is qualitative research. The results of this study indicate that Tiongkok is currently a US espionage threat, in this focus stole secret data F - 35 Joint Strike Fighter by phishing that can open access to secret aircraft data F - 35 Joint Strike Fighter jet. In its action, Chinese representatives stole the data by sending emails to Lockheed Martin staff or officials who contained malware called spyware and trojans to access data that was stored neatly and strictly as a safeguard against expensive data such as the production c ost of F - 35 fighter jets The Joint Strike Fighte.


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How to Cite

Iman, M. H. K. N., & Azzqy, A. A. R. (2018). Aktivitas Spionasi Republik Rakyat Tiongkok ke Amerika Serikat Terkait Proyek Militer Pesawat F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Pada Tahun 2014-2017. Balcony, 2(1), 43–54. Retrieved from https://jom.fisip.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/balcony/article/view/51




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