Diplomasi Pertahanan Indonesia dalam ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) untuk Menghadapi Ancaman Terorisme (Counter Terrorism) Periode 2019 – 2022


  • Vrizky Latifa Laksmono
  • Nabil Ahmad Fauzi


ASEAN Our Eyes, Indonesian Defense Diplomacy, ADMM Retreat


In the context of defense diplomacy, Indonesia has also strengthened regional cooperation in terms of law enforcement and intelligence. This country has initiated more intensive dialogue with ASEAN partners to increase the exchange of information related to terrorism, including the latest developments in terms of the modus operandi of terrorists in the Southeast Asian region. The increase in terrorism in Indonesia has put Indonesia in a dangerous situation. Indonesia's defense diplomacy in ADMM has an important role in efforts to tackle terrorism cases in the ASEAN region. Through cooperation, coordination and a multilateral approach, Indonesia seeks to strengthen its defense capacity and promote awareness about terrorism at the regional level. In the process, Indonesia acts as a prime mover to mobilize broader regional cooperation in dealing with the threat of terrorism in ASEAN. This research uses the concepts of Defense Diplomacy and International Cooperation, besides that this research also uses qualitative methods. The results obtained from this research are one of the programs initiated by the Indonesian government in the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting to deal with the threat of terrorism. The initiative of the Indonesian Defense Government in ASEAN Our Eyes was approved in 2018. The ASEAN Our Eyes program has great influence and appreciation from all ASEAN countries as well as ASEAN partner countries. This program has succeeded in thwarting terrorist network plans in Southeast Asia.


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How to Cite

Laksmono, V. L., & Fauzi, N. A. (2024). Diplomasi Pertahanan Indonesia dalam ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) untuk Menghadapi Ancaman Terorisme (Counter Terrorism) Periode 2019 – 2022. Balcony, 8(1), 19–27. Retrieved from https://jom.fisip.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/balcony/article/view/665


