Kerja Sama Australia dengan Indonesia dalam Upaya Pengurangan Kayu Illegal sebagai Penerapan Illegal Logging Prohibition Act (ILPA) Tahun 2014-2016


  • Muhammad Nauval Prianto
  • Denada Faraswacyen L.Gaol


Australia, CSG, ILPA, Indonesia, SVLK


This qualitative study aims to analyze the effort of Australian Government and Indonesian Governmentto reduce illegal timber distribution. This study used the theory of international cooperation, international trade, and foreign policy. This research uses descriptive research type with qualitative approach, and collecting primary and secondary data. The result show that Australian Government and Indonesia Government in effort to reduce illegal timber distribution, by collaborating on two existing policies in each country. In its development, the Australian Government and Indonesia Government agreed on Country Specific Guideline (CSG) that has been complied and agreed, the CSG regulates provisions related to timber that can be traded between two countries. Australia and Indonesia have a common interest in combating illegal logging activities by breaking the chain of illegal logs that harvested from illegal logging activities. With the agreement of CSG is proof that Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) Indonesia has been recognized by Australia which have Illegal Logging Prohibition Act (ILPA) policy. Recognized SVLK facilitate timber exporters in Indonesia to export timber to Australia without going through the process of due diligence. The cooperation undertaken by Australia and Indonesia shows the commitment of both countries to reduce illegal timber harvested from illegal logging activities.



How to Cite

Prianto, M. N., & L.Gaol, D. F. (2018). Kerja Sama Australia dengan Indonesia dalam Upaya Pengurangan Kayu Illegal sebagai Penerapan Illegal Logging Prohibition Act (ILPA) Tahun 2014-2016. Balcony, 2(5). Retrieved from


