Dampak Gerakan Feminis Transnasional #MeToo terhadap Awareness Perempuan India

Studi Kasus: Perlindungan dalam Kekerasan Domestik


  • Femy Triastia Hutabarat
  • Anggun Puspitasari


domestic violence, human security, #MeToo, transnational feminism, India


Human security is one of the most important factor to achieve internal security for a nation. Therefore, in order to achieve the security itself, there are many specific points that needs to be paid attention to, one of them is how to get the citizens to achieve their fundamental rights without any single boundaries such as class. In India’s case, it was not as ideal as it is. There are many cases of domestic violence against women occurs and their inability to get the proper law advocation to the government. #MeToo campaign as feminist transnational movement is succeed on giving influence towards people of India on how important advocation and awareness to combat also to minimalize the chance of violence against women in order to achieve ideal protection and human security without gender, race, or class boundaries.


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How to Cite

Hutabarat, F. T., & Puspitasari, A. (2019). Dampak Gerakan Feminis Transnasional #MeToo terhadap Awareness Perempuan India: Studi Kasus: Perlindungan dalam Kekerasan Domestik. Balcony, 3(2), 135–143. Retrieved from https://jom.fisip.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/balcony/article/view/208




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