Analisis Dampak Kerjasama Tiongkok – Indonesia Melalui Aktivitas Utang Luar Negeri Periode 2015 - 2019

Studi Kasus: China Development Bank (CDB)


  • Vilenta Ramadana Ovilia
  • Putri Parameswari
  • Ramdhan Muhaimin


external debt, China Development Bank, Indonesia, impact


The aim of this research is to explain the analysis of cooperation carried out by China Development Bank (CDB) with Indonesia through its foreign debt activities in the 2015-2019 period. This research is based on the background of the existence of international cooperation that has been carried out by Indonesia from the time of independence to the present. bilateral activities with a variety of activities, one of which is seeking additional funds by taking economic policies by making loans to the state which can be called foreign loans / debts. The research method used is, in this type of research, the writer uses a descriptive research type, the research paradigm used is a qualitative research style, the research form that the author uses is library research, and the data collection technique used is the documentary technique with secondary data collection. The results of this research are that there are various opportunities or positive things that can be taken in analyzing the existence of foreign debt between Tiongkok and Indonesia from both the Chinese and Indonesian sides, especially on the side of the relationship between the two countries that creates progress between the two countries and win-win solutions in various countries. aspects in every problem in their respective countries.


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How to Cite

Ovilia, V. R., Parameswari, P., & Muhaimin, R. (2022). Analisis Dampak Kerjasama Tiongkok – Indonesia Melalui Aktivitas Utang Luar Negeri Periode 2015 - 2019: Studi Kasus: China Development Bank (CDB). Balcony, 6(1), 95–105. Retrieved from




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