Kerja Sama Perdagangan Kakao Indonesia – Swiss dalam Kerangka Kerja Sama I-EFTA CEPA Periode 2018 - 2021


  • Iqbal Naviatus Syarifah
  • Elistania
  • Agung Permadi


cocoa, export, Indonesia, I-EFTA CEPA, Switzerland


This research aims to give light and to explain about Indonesian-Swiss Cocoa Trade Cooperation in the I-EFTA CEPA Cooperation Framework. The qualitative method in this study aims to understand social conditions according to reality, such as seeing how the relationship between Indonesian cocoa and Switzerland and what the framework of the I-EFTA CEPA Cooperation. Neoliberalism as a perspective with an economic that is focused on political-economic philosophy. In the I-EFTA CEPA agreement, the neoliberal perspective of international trade or free trade is without policies that hinder the trade and investment system. However, in the process, not all parties get full freedom, so this agreement does not have a major impact on the Indonesian cocoa trade to Switzerland. The results of this study are; the existence of the I-EFTA CEPA cooperation in which Switzerland and Indonesia are interconnected. Give full hope to the difficulties in this cocoa trade. However, within the framework of this agreement, cocoa products are only included in the capacity-building section. In the declaration of cocoa cooperation, Switzerland provides assistance and support for Indonesian cocoa farmers through the Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP). In the I-EFTA CEPA framework, several cocoa standards that Indonesia must fulfill to Switzerland include; Legal and Non-Legal Requirements; Special Requirements; Maximum limit of cocoa cadmium. And several certificates must be accompanied by sustainable certification, Food Safety Certification, Organic Certification, and Fairtrade certification.


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How to Cite

Syarifah, I. N., Elistania, & Permadi, A. (2023). Kerja Sama Perdagangan Kakao Indonesia – Swiss dalam Kerangka Kerja Sama I-EFTA CEPA Periode 2018 - 2021. Balcony, 7(1), 37–49. Retrieved from




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