Upaya Tiongkok dalam Mengamankan Energi terhadap Vietnam (2014-2016)

Kerjasama Energi Tiongkok-Vietnam


  • Ismi Mujahidah Nur Said
  • Elistania Elistania


complex interdependency, energy cooperation, liberalism, CIPEC, South China Sea


This study aims to describe the efforts of China in securing energy on Vietnam in the middle of South China Sea conflict. To analyze the issue, this study uses a liberal perspective. Periodization in this research between 2014 until 2016, when the level of intensity conflict has increased while President Xi Jinping issued the concept of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. This research is a qualitative research using international cooperation theory, energy security concept and complex interdependence theory. The theory of complex interdependence is the main frame of mind used by the author to analyze China's efforts in securing energy on Vietnam, while the concept of energy security and international cooperation theory is used as a supportive framework that illustrates the reasons for China's concept of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The study results show that CIPEC is a Chinese effort to bind Vietnam to maintain its energy security. However, on the other hand CIPEC is a newly-issued initiative so it is still in the process of development so CIPEC has not been able to promise to improve Vietnam's infrastructure but CIPEC can encourage energy cooperation between China and Vietnam seen from the intensity of diplomatic meetings related to their energy cooperation.


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How to Cite

Said, I. M. N., & Elistania, E. (2018). Upaya Tiongkok dalam Mengamankan Energi terhadap Vietnam (2014-2016): Kerjasama Energi Tiongkok-Vietnam. Balcony, 2(2), 161–169. Retrieved from https://jom.fisip.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/balcony/article/view/57


