‘Diplomatic Shifting’ Dua Era Kepemimpinan Filipina Menyikapi Tiongkok Pada Sengketa Laut Tiongkok Selatan


  • Desy Pratiwi
  • Vivi Pusvitasary


South China Sea Dispute, diplomatic shifting, Philippine strategy


This study discusses the diplomatic transition of the two eras of the Philippine government in response to China in the South China Sea dispute. In carrying out this update, the author uses descriptive analysis methods. In this study, the author tried to evaluate the diplomatic shift of the two eras of the Philippine leadership in response to China, namely the era of President Beniqno Aquino III to President Rodrigo Duterte. The complexity of the South China Sea dispute concentrates the focus of Philippine policy in two different leadership. The election of President Rodrigo Duterte brought changes to the Philippine government which was previously confrontational to be cooperative. In contrast to the previous government, namely in the era of President Beniqno Aquino III, the focus of the Philippine policy was to fight for claims on Spratly islands and to contradict China which had the most control over 90% of the transport area of the South China Sea to divert the Philippine territorial territories. But under the leadership of President Duterte, the Philippines preferred to be cooperative against China and establish cooperation in various fields. Associated with cooperatives is considered as the right step continuously carried out on China. The capability and strength of the Philippine defenses that are less capable of being a transition factor requires the Philippines to China. For this reason, the writer wants to analyze how to move the diplomatic era of the two Philippine leadership in response to China in the South China Sea dispute from hard power to soft power.


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How to Cite

Pratiwi, D., & Pusvitasary, V. (2019). ‘Diplomatic Shifting’ Dua Era Kepemimpinan Filipina Menyikapi Tiongkok Pada Sengketa Laut Tiongkok Selatan. Balcony, 3(2), 187–200. Retrieved from https://jom.fisip.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/balcony/article/view/213




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