Diplomasi Arab Saudi Melalui Organisasi Kerja Sama Islam (OKI)
Studi Kasus Kontestasi Hegemoni Ideologi vis-Ã -vis Iran Pasca KTT OKI 2016
diplomacy, ideological hegemony, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Iran, Saudi ArabiaAbstract
This research aims to describe and analyze the diplomatic efforts carried out by Saudi Arabia through the OIC which is the largest organization after the United Nations. Such efforts were aimed to win the ideological competition between Sunnis and Shiites against Iran. This research based on the realism perspective. The time period of this research is limited between 2016 until 2021, starting after the 13th OIC Summit on April 14th – 15th, 2016. This research is an analytical descriptive research, using the qualitative method. In the analysis, this research uses the concept of diplomacy supported by the theory of balance of power, the concept of hegemony, the concept of ideology, and regionalism concept. The results of this research indicate that in order to win the competition with Iran, in ideological hegemony in the Middle East Region, Saudi Arabia has made diplomatic efforts through the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Saudi Arabia conducted hard diplomacy and soft diplomacy. Hard diplomacy was carried out by blocking Iran from several OIC summits, which was intended to threat Iran. The soft diplomacy method was carried out through the official statements from Saudi Arabia, which was intended to influence the OIC's policy direction. These showed the application of a balance of power, which was to balance and inhibit Iran's Shia ideology. In addition, soft diplomacy was also applied through the leadership of Saudi Arabia in the organization which was shown by the domination on the structure of the OIC. In strengthening the efforts to maintain the hegemony of Sunni ideology, Saudi Arabia has also provided financial assistance aimed at helping the OIC and its organs.
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