Kerja Sama Indonesia dengan Amerika Serikat melalui USAID Prioritas dalam Sektor Pendidikan (Tahun 2012 - 2017)


  • Ayu Zahara
  • Arin Fithriana


cooperation, development, education, USAID


This research is intented to explain the implementation cooperation conducted by Indonesia with USA through USAID PRIORITAS in the field of education. Cooperation undertaken is a form of Government of Indonesia's efforts in development in the education’s field. In the study the author uses the Theory of International Cooperation and Concept Development. The result of this research is during the implementation of PRIORITAS program, USAID conducted several programs to improve the quality of basic education and secondary education. As in improving the quality of learning by teacher tarining through LPKT development, teaching educator to develop training modules along with specialist provided by USAID. Then the module is used on the over all development of the school into one of the programs in PRIORITY. On improving governance management capabilities, USAID PRIORITIES provides the teachers as well as educational staff in the Teacher Deployment and Continuing Professional Development. The results through PPG and PKB allthe stake holder understanding their role. In addition, USAID PRIORITAS also creates an online application for educators to be able to manage the funds provided by the central and local governments. The cooperation is conducted in seven regions such as; Aceh, North Sumatera, West Java, Central Java, East Java and South Sulawesi, through national par tners such as Education and Culture, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Technology and Higher Education. 


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How to Cite

Zahara, A., & Fithriana, A. (2018). Kerja Sama Indonesia dengan Amerika Serikat melalui USAID Prioritas dalam Sektor Pendidikan (Tahun 2012 - 2017). Balcony, 2(2), 183–193. Retrieved from




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