Kebijakan Open Door Policy Oleh Angela Merkel dalam Kerangka Common European Asylum System (CEAS)

Studi Kasus: Krisis Pengungsi Suriah di Jerman


  • Faradhilah Tri Haliza
  • Bambang Pujiyono


Angela Merkel, Common European Asylum System, Open Door Policy, Syrian Refugees, Germany


The research aims to examine Angela Merkel's Open Door Policy in order to handle Syrian refugees crisis in Germany in accordance with the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). In this research, the author use post-positivism paradigm to analyze the case studies. This is a qualitative research using International Regime theory and Foreign Policy concept as a framework. The findings indicates that there are several driving factors in Open Door Policy Implementation namely, historical, demographic or population, economic, and humanitarian. CEAS implementation has not been successful due to the lack of compliance from European Union member countries. The Open Door Policy implementation itself by Angela Merkel has not been successful because it does not fully supported by Germany people and political group.


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How to Cite

Haliza, F. T., & Pujiyono, B. (2019). Kebijakan Open Door Policy Oleh Angela Merkel dalam Kerangka Common European Asylum System (CEAS): Studi Kasus: Krisis Pengungsi Suriah di Jerman. Balcony, 3(2), 155–165. Retrieved from




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