Upaya Kerja Sama Trilateral Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Filipina (INDOMALPHI) dalam Menjaga Stabilitas Keamanan Laut Sulu Pada Periode 2016-2019


  • Reza Aqshal Atamimi
  • Andrea Abdul Rahman Azzqy


INDOMALPHI, maritime security, piracy, Southeast Asia, Sulu Sea


This study aims to describe the efforts made by Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines in maintaining the security stability in the Sulu Sea through a form of Trilateral cooperation, namely INDOMALPHI. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The type of data used in the form of primary and secondary with primary data collected through interviews with the Head of the Multilateral Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and with the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia for the period 2001-2009 and secondary data through literature studies. This study uses a series of analytical blades in the form of the theory of Regional Security Complex and the concept of Maritime Security. Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, which have a common interest in the security sector, which is the security of the Sulu Sea, carry out a Trilateral cooperation called INDOMALPHI. This collaboration was initiated after incidents of piracy and kidnapping by the Abu Sayyaf group in 2014 and reached its highest point in 2016. In its efforts to maintain the stability of the Sulu Sea security, INDOMALPHI formed several collaborations namely the Maritime Command Center, Trilateral Maritime Patrol, Trilateral Air Patrol, and Port Visit. In this study, the results of the collaboration between INDOMALPHI, which in the year after it was launched, had a positive impact in the form of shrinking the crime rate, both piracy and kidnapping in the Sulu Sea.


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How to Cite

Atamimi, R. A., & Azzqy, A. A. R. (2020). Upaya Kerja Sama Trilateral Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Filipina (INDOMALPHI) dalam Menjaga Stabilitas Keamanan Laut Sulu Pada Periode 2016-2019. Balcony, 4(1), 39–50. Retrieved from https://jom.fisip.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/balcony/article/view/218




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